The universal law, the law of attraction, the 12 universal laws of success, the spiritual law of the universe, the spiritual law … all these terms, one speaks of the law of the universe, the other speaks of the universal law, another of the 12 laws of success. Speaking of which, I have even seen people talk about 21 spiritual laws or 21 auxiliary universal laws in the universe. All sources of knowledge promise the same kind of magic and apply one or more of these laws to attract all the desires and dreams of man.
Yet very few people are actually living with their desires, dreams and success. Despite having all the available knowledge about 7 Universal Laws, Laws of Attraction, 12 Universal Success Laws, 6 Spiritual Laws of the Universe and Auxiliary Universal Laws or Universal Spiritual Laws, only a handful of people enjoy the benefits of Universal Law of Attraction or Universal Laws in general. Mutual application of the law is promised.
So why don’t those people ‘attract what they want’, ‘express their dreams’, or ‘achieve the success they’ve always wanted’? Even thousands of people who have seen the movie ‘The Secret’, or read the documentary ‘What the Blap Do We Know’, or Joe Vital’s ‘Attract Factor’, or Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success, or T. Harv Ecker’s ‘Secrets of the Millionaire’s Mind’. Or any other popular self-reliance or self-improvement book, movie, film or other resource? One reason is that there is no such thing as “effortless attraction”. As much as you don’t want to put in any effort, there is always an effort involved. Our friend’s at Edwin’s Edibles agrees as well. But this is a matter for another time … but there is another, very important reason.
What’s the problem here? Because of all the trees, people can no longer see the forest. They totally lose the big picture track. There is a lot more information about 6 or 7 universal laws, universal laws of attraction, 12 success laws. People do not know which book, film, movie or any other resource to choose. Are there 6 or 7 universal laws? Or are there 12 universal laws of success? Or is there just 1 interesting law? Or do you need to know 21 helpful laws or spiritual laws or whatever?
Who exactly? Well, similarly, none of them are right. Or all of them are fine. It depends on if you look at it. Let’s straighten this out.
The universe is infinite. There are no boundaries and no limitations. As human beings, we are the direction of this universe. In one way, we are the universe, in another way we are different aspects of this universe. This is not the time and place to know the details, but if you want to know more about it, scroll down and click on the link in the organic box.
The truth is that our lives are revealed through the application of universal laws, including universal laws of attraction. We can do it consciously, or unconsciously (as most people do). If you do it unconsciously, life seems like a series of ‘accidents, and the big bad outside world makes it difficult for you to achieve your success.
However, when you apply universal laws of consciousness or universal laws in general, you can engineer your own success. You can set the stage for achieving your desires, and then act accordingly. The acting part is very important, and that’s where Effort comes in. But what is important for now is that you need to be aware of how the universal law of attraction or universal laws work together and how it is subtle. They need to be applied.
So, how can all the different sources be accurate? How can there be 6 and 7 universal laws at the same time? How can there be 12 laws of success or 21 auxiliary laws of the universe or spiritual laws of the universe at the same time?
The answer is simple. Again, the universe is infinite. You can make things as complicated as you want. Or as simple as your choice for that matter. Make it more complicated, and you can easily create 21 Universal Losses or 21 Subsidiary Laws. Make it easy and you can easily get 12 laws of success. Or just follow the 7 rules of the universe. Each version could potentially be accurate. How well a resource is right for you is important.…